Return To Church Guidelines

Prior to the Service

  1. Hymnals and Bibles will be removed from the pews. Offering plates will be placed at the back of each aisle so the offering could be dropped off upon entry.
  2. Every other pew will be roped off to allow social distancing but not within the pews as the church family is made up of individual families who live together in one space at home. Each family should be responsible to distance from the next.
  3. Access to any areas beyond the hallways leading to the washrooms will be restricted.
  4. Doors leading to the washrooms and exterior doors will be propped allowing people to enter and exit without the need to touch surfaces.
  5. Hand Sanitizer will be provided in the narthex.

The Service

  1. As we enter this stage, wo services will be offered – 9:00 and 11:00.
  2. Only one usher will be stationed at each entrance to provide assistance and direction.
  3. No bulletins or handouts (except worksheets for children) will be available.
  4. As people arrive for the service, please proceed directly to a pew.
  5. Face coverings are welcomed and encouraged to be worn by individuals if they choose. UPDATE Aug 2020: Face coverings are now required in compliance with Chatham-Kent bylaws.
  6. Verbal greeting should be saved for the outdoor area where there is adequate room to appropriately social distance.
  7. A shortened service will take place to allow children to stay. (45 to 50 min.) Where infants need to be taken out, that will be the responsibility of the parent. One side of the nursery will be available.
  8. A children’s activity bulletin will be available but we ask that parents bring their own pencils or crayons.
  9. Music during the service will be limited at this time .
  10. The congregation will exit one row at a time as directed by the usher.

Following the Service

  1. Teams of 6 to 8 people will be assigned to sanitize doors and handles, washrooms and pews.
  2. No one will be allowed back into the building after they have exited to allow for the sanitization between services.