Sunday Sermon – April 5, 2015
Sunday monring sermon, April 5, 2015 “Recognizing Our Risen Redeemer” Luke 24:13-35
Sunday monring sermon, April 5, 2015 “Recognizing Our Risen Redeemer” Luke 24:13-35
The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the most important event in Christian history. This fact alone inspires hope and gives us a reason to live in a world that is increasingly evil. There is a way to recognize our resurrected Lord all the time, not just at Easter. Pastor Brian will delve into this exciting … [Read more…]
April 2008 (reprise: April 2015)April Fresh Oil
April Calendar
The apostle Paul commended the Philippian church for their faithful financial support of his ministry, right from the very beginning. God’s work takes money to make it happen, but we are often reluctant to part with our finances out of fear or of selfishness. This church exudes a beautiful example of how Christians should respond … [Read more…]
The vast array of choices in life can seem like we’re standing at an all-you-can-eat buffet and wondering what to pick and what to leave out. In the spiritual life, the apostle Paul helps us narrow the selection down to the best of the best. Grab your Bible and plan to join us at the … [Read more…]
The Wallaceburg Veterans and Families Support Group was started in May 2010 at First Baptist Church in Wallaceburg. Pastor Brian Horrobin is our Padre. Veterans and their Families meet in a Healing circle. The Veterans are able to speak about their horrors experienced overseas and at home. The Family members can speak of their experiences … [Read more…]
When it comes to prayer there are really no quick fixes. However, the Bible does offer some important “keys” to unlock prayer’s powerful potential. Pastor Brian will be unpacking this for us at our 10:45 am worship service this Sunday. Why not plan to join us and see if this teaching from God’s Word will … [Read more…]
Want to know what is going on at First Baptist Church Wallaceburg? View our March Calendar
The church, like any other people-filled organization, deals with conflict between those of different personalities. The church in Philippi had 2 ladies who did a ton of work for their church, but had trouble getting along. Houston, we have a problem! The apostle Paul addressed this issue because of how important it was to the … [Read more…]