Sunday Sermon – July 2, 2017
Sunday morning sermon, July 2, 2017, “Sow Small, Reap Big” Mark 4:26-32
Sunday morning sermon, July 2, 2017, “Sow Small, Reap Big” Mark 4:26-32
Sunday morning sermon, June 18, 2017, “Barnabas: The Ideal Right-Hand Man” Acts 4:36-37; 9:26-28; 11:25-26
Sunday morning sermon, June 11 2017. “ANNA: Worshipper, Prayer Warrior, and Evangelist” Luke 2:36-38
Sunday morning sermon, June 4, 2017, “Priscilla and Aquila: Taking Risks to Advance the Gospel” Acts 18:1-3
Sunday morning sermon, May 28, 2017, “Gaius: Faithful to the Missionaries” 3 John 1-8
Sunday morning sermon, May 14, 2017, “Lydia: A Worshiper of God” Acts 16:11-15
Sunday morning sermon, May 21, 2017, “Epaphras: Servant of Christ and Man of Prayer” Colossians 1:7-8; 4:12-13
Sunday morning sermon, April 30, 2017, “Be An Example, Young or Otherwise” 1 Timothy 4:12-16
Sunday morning sermon, April 19, 2017, “Resurrected Saviour, Resurrected Hope” Mark 16:1-8
Sunday morning sermon, April 9, 2017, “Beware of Pot Stirrers and Money Mongers” 1 Timothy 6:3-10