Return To Church Guidelines

Prior to the Service Hymnals and Bibles will be removed from the pews. Offering plates will be placed at the back of each aisle so the offering could be dropped off upon entry. Every other pew will be roped off to allow social distancing but not within the pews as the church family is made … [Read more…]

“Super Sunday” — February 9, 2025

Today is the Super Bowl, but hey,, God wrote the book on ‘super’ and He should always be our main focus. In our 10:30 am worship service, Pastor Rocky Sands will tell us all about the deep, deep love of God and will share several personal stories from his own life where he has experienced … [Read more…]

“Easy Come, Easy Go” — January 12, 2025

For some people, receiving the message of the gospel comes quickly and easily, but…it doesn’t stick. Why is this the case? What do we need to have working ion our lives so that the message of the Bible becomes real and relevant and life-changing? Let’s find out this Sunday in our 10:30 am worship service, … [Read more…]

“Prince of Peace” — December 15, 2024

Can God really bring true, lasting peace into our lives in this turbulent world in which we live? Is there more to ‘peace’ than just calmness and tranquility? Jesus brings this wonderful gift of peace into our lives, and His birth is a reason to celebrate that fact. Let’s find out more this Sunday at … [Read more…]

“What a Mighty God!” — December 1, 2024

Human strength can only go so far, but sometimes we need supernatural resources to contend with the trials we face. Jesus is that mighty warrior who fights our battles. Whatever it is you’re facing today be assured that Jesus, the mighty God, can handle it. Let’s explore this subject deeper in our 10:30 am service … [Read more…]